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Flickr Hacks – Now in Color!

February 1st, 2006

Flickr Hacks Mosaic

I’m pleased to report that the online version of the book I cowrote with Paul Bausch, Flickr Hacks, features full color illustrations, unlike the print edition, which is in glorious black and white. Color is particularly useful in a book which provides instruction on computing the R,G,B value of a watermelon, and how to build color-related gadgets like my colr pickr!

UPDATE: Brian Sawyer, our industrious editor, has posted all the illustrations in color to his Flickr stream. Coolness!

Flickr Hacks is available in color via O’Reilly’s new Rough Cuts service, which features online versions of books before they are available in print form. The print edition is due out this month, and can be preordered from Amazon.

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre

February 1st, 2006

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre is a UK based exhibition and virtual museum of automata, or mechanical sculpture.

There are some amazing pieces on this site, some in the form of Quicktime movies, which you can enjoy, as well as wooden kits you can buy. Their designing kit looks particularly cool — it contains a variety of blocks, dowels and cams. It’s the wooden automata equivalent of a bucket of Legos.

The current virtual exhibition features the work of Carlos Zapata, which is fun to watch – I especially like the automaton of a baby dripping ice-cream on his dad.

I found out about CMT by reading Rodney Peppe’s Automata and Mechanical Toys, one of several books on the interrelated subjects of automata, machines, horology and carpentry that I am currently plowing through.

The Ascent – A Wooden Clock Kit

January 24th, 2006

Ascent Clock KitIn the last two months, I’ve become fascinated with clocks and automatons. My family never owned a mechanical clock, but I had an aunt with a musical cuckoo clock, and a grandfather clock that showed the phases of the moon. I wondered what made the pendulum keep swinging (was it magnets or batteries?), and what made the cuckoo bird sing.

I still don’t know what makes the cuckoo bird sing, but I now have a better idea of what makes the pendulum swing, thanks to Jeff Schierenbeck, the designer of the Ascent wooden gear clock, a kit I’ve been working on for the past few weeks.

I decided a few weeks ago to build a wooden gear clock because I wanted to understand the clock mechanism better. There are a number of websites that offer plans for wooden gear clocks, but as someone with absolutely no woodworkng experience (band practice generally interferes with taking shop class), and no tools, I needed something that was ready to build. I found four sites that offer such kits: Jeff’s,, and

Jeff’s website seemed to show the best design sense (the clockplans website is pretty awfull), and I hoped his good web design sense was an indicator of a superior product, so I ordered his simplest clock first. I’ve since ordered an Athena clock kit (because I want to understand the verge and foliot mechanism) and I’ll let you know how it compares to the Ascent in a later review.

Ascent Clock Kit - As packed

The Ascent kit arrived in a slim box which was about one foot by three feet. All the components are cleverly designed to fit within this package – the clock appears to be designed expressely for the mail order business.

Ascent Clock Kit - Components

Here are the components spread out. Most of the parts are laser cut plywood. There are also some dowels, screws, nylon washers and string. The kit comes with a detailed and helpful 43 page instruction manual, that is *much* better than the terse instructions that come with IKEA furniture. Jeff is very careful to navigate you through most of the potential “gotchas” that will occur during the construction process. I started working on the clock about 2 and a half weeks ago, working mostly on weekends. All in all, I’ve probably spent about 20 hours on it thus far.

My son has been working on building a guitar, so we had some wood glue, sandpaper, clamps and a mallet, which is about all you need to build this. The parts are generally completely laser cut except for a small notch which holds them into the palette. You twist the part to remove it, and then sand the part. I was worried that some parts might split when I removed them, but I did not have any problems with this. At first, I very patiently sanded each piece, but a common problem seems to be letting your impatience get the best of you, and it is tempting to rush through the build. I suggest taking your time.

The instruction manual provides a stain guide for staining the parts three different shades. I left the ‘light’ pieces alone, and inexpertly stained the gears a medium color and the indicators a darker color, using some old cans of stain that the previous homeowner had left in the garage, and some Q-tips. My staining doesn’t look terrible, although I made the mistake of leaving a gear wet with stain to dry on a paper towel, which stuck to it. So the backside of my great wheel has an unintentional ‘antiquing’ effect. I have not yet attempted to apply varnish.

This was my first woodworking project, and the first time I used wood glue. Fortunately, the first thing you glue, according to the instructions, was not of major significance. Like most beginners, I used way too much glue at first. I got much better at applying glue as the project progressed.

In some cases, I found it difficult to keep pieces aligned when gluing them. My son helped me glue the large front and backframe pieces, but we ended up with one of them being slightly misaligned, because we weren’t observant enough when clamping them. This does not seem to have affected the working of the clock, however. I found that for the smaller pieces, it was easier if I held them in my hands while the glue set, rather than using a clamp.

The pendulum is probably one of the weaker aspects of this particular clock design. The pendulum shaft is 4 feet, and in order to fit it into the shipping package, it comes in two pieces which must be glued together. In my kit, one of those pieces was warped. I did a pretty good job of gluing them together straight, but there is still a pretty bad bow on one end of the shaft. I was also a bit too hasty in gluing the upper bracket on the pendulum shaft – this turns out to be a pretty important part of the mechanism, because the pendulum balances on two screws which are driven through this bracket. Mine came out a bit asymmetrical, and I’ve had to tweak it a few times.

The weight is a wooden box that is glued together. The instructions say to fill it with metal shot, or pennies. Since I don’t have a ready supply of metal shot, whatever that is, I chose pennies. The instructions say to use two pounds of metal shot. I weighed out two pounds of pennies, but found that they overflowed the space within the weight, so I ended up using about 1.8 pounds of pennies. This seems to be fine, however.

I waited a week before installing the gears on the arbors (the axle like dowels that they are mounted on). I was worried that I would screw this up, being such a big klutz, but it turned out to be pretty easy, and I think I did a pretty good job.

Installing the gears into the frame went very quickly, and suddenly, I had a working gear chain! This was a very surpirsing and satisfying part of the build experience for me. Having made some mistakes working up to this point, I was not all that confident that the gear chain would work, but it seemed to work flawlessly!

Ascent Clock Kit - Gear Train

At this point, I was anxious to see the clock working, so I found a nail in the house where I could hang it, attach the weight and hang the pendlum. At first, I was only able to get it to run for a few seconds. Those first few ticks were very cool! But then it would stop. I then went thru a troubleshooting process that lasted a few days.

At first, I thought the problem was the warped pendulum. I corresponded with Jeff, who was quite happy to replace the shaft. But then I tried running the clock using my hand as a pendulum, and discovered that the escapement was still not working – it required far more than 2 pounds to get it to work. Looking back at the instrutions, I realized that I had skipped over an essential step: sanding the arbor dowels, to reduce friction in the gear train. I took the clock apart, sanded the shafts, and reassembled it. Now the gear train ran much more smoothly, and I was able to get the clock to run for 20 to 30 seconds.

Finally, after tweaking the pendulum some more, and applying graphite to the escapement gear, my son got the clock to run continuously. As I write this, it has been running all evening, and I have set the hands to reflect local time for the first time. In the morning,
we’ll begin the process of adjusting the position of the pendulum bob, trying to make it more accurate.

The clock is now hanging in the living room, and it looks great. I wasn’t sure at first if my wife would want me to put it in such a public place, but she fell in love with it – it truly is a thing of beauty, and will be quite a conversation piece.

Obviously, I am very pleased with this kit, and will likely order Jeff’s second clock, the Serpentine, when I finish with the Athena. Building your own clock is truly the best means I can find for truly understanding how clocks and automatons work.

* * *

So how does this pendulum clock work? I’m trying to figure it out well enough that I can simulate it in a Flash movie (which I’ll add to the bestiary). My goal is to make a clock simulation that is robust enough that you can meddle with it by twiddling with the gears with the mouse. If I combine a clockwork based system with my spring phsyics system, I have the basis for making some silly and cool automatons in Flash or 3D – a kind of “kuckoo klock konstruction kit”. This is what I’ve figured out thus far:

The weight, which is attached to one of the arbors, supplies energy to the gear chain and makes all the gears want to spin. Without something to stop them, the gears would spin very quickly, and the hands would rotate very quickly until the weight hits the floor. This motion is arrested by the anchor escapement whose two arms (or “pallets”) hold the escapement gear in check. Mark Headrick has an excellent demonstration of an anchor escapement, and a good historical survey, on his website.

The anchor escapement, swings back and forth with the pendulum, which has a period of 2 seconds. Like all pendulums, it’s period is controlled entirely by its length, and not by its weight or the width of the arc it makes. You make the clock go faster or slower by moving the pendulum bob up or down on the shaft.

Each time the pendulum swings back and forth, the escapement allows one tooth of the escapement gear to advance. There are 30 teeth on this gear, so with one tooth advancing every 2 seconds, the entire gear has a period of 60 seconds (it takes a minute to rotate). The second hand is attached to this gear (and is separate from the main face of the clock).

The escapement gear (which is powered by the weight) also pushes the anchor, which in turn gives a little kick to the pendulum. That’s what keeps the pendulum swinging.

On the same arbor as the escapement gear is an 8-tooth gear, which is meshed with a 60-tooth gear on a second arbor.

This second arbor has a period of 60 seconds x (60/8) (60/8 is the ratio of the teeth of the two gears). So it spins once every 450 seconds. The second arbor also contains another 8-tooth gear which is meshed with a 64-tooth great wheel gear on the third arbor – the great wheel arbor.

So the great wheel arbor has a period of 450 seconds x (64/8) or 3600 seconds, or one hour. It rotates in one hour, and this is the arbor that the minute hand is attached to. This is also the arbor that the weight is attached to, although I’m not sure it matters all that much which arbor the weight is attached to – it supplies energy to the entire gear train.

There is a final arbor which is used to provide gearing for the hour-hand movement. On the great wheel arbor, there is a 10 tooth gear, which is meshed with a 30 tooth gear on this next arbor. This gear spins at a rate of 3600 seconds x (30/10) or 10800 seconds.

This arbor also has an 8-tooth gear which is meshed with a 32-tooth gear which is mounted on a pipe which makes it coincident with the great-wheel arbor (but unaffected by it’s spin). This pipe allows the hour hand to have the same mount position as minute hand, but to spin at a different rate. The period of the hour hand, which is also mounted on the pipe is 10800 seconds x (32/8) or 43200 seconds or 12 hours.

So the three magic numbers here are 60 -> 3600 -> 43200. There are other gears we could have used to get from 60 to 3600 or from 3600 to 43200 (providing a 60x and a 12x increase in the length of the period), but these are the choices of this particular clock designer. Different choices would effect the number of teeth in the gear, and the size of the gear. I’m guessing you don’t really want to use gears with fewer than 8 teeth, and you don’t want gears (especially wooden ones) with enormous numbers of teeth. This is why so many gears are needed. If you went straight from the escapement wheel to the great wheel (without the intervening arbor), the great wheel would need 1800 teeth. If we could live without a second hand, we could use fewer teeth on the escapement gear, and that might simplify the design.

So that’s how the Ascent clock works. More clock-related goodness to come in the coming weeks.

Flickr Hacks

January 18th, 2006

The book cover for the book Paul and I wrote is now available on Amazon, and here’s what it look like. Here’s the Amazon listing, should you care to pre-order 1 or 2 hundred copies… :)

UPDATE: Can’t wait for the book? You can get early access to an online edition using O’Reilly’s new Rough Cuts service. We’re not even finished editing the thing, but you can read it now! Thanks Paul, for alerting me.

Golden Chains

January 13th, 2006

Eduyng Castano writes to me about a Sudoku solving technique he has discovered. Here is his paper describing what he calls Golden Chains (pdf).

The technique is a generalization of XY-Wing that identifies exclusion pairs connected by chains of arbitrary length. It solves many (but not all) of the same puzzles that can be solved by other advanced techniques such as conjugate pairs, nishio and coloring. Unlike those techniques, Golden Chains is a pattern-matching technique (like XY-Wing), and does not feel so much like a fishing expedition, or guessing.

I have successfully used it to solve a number of my ‘super tough’ puzzles. Golden Chains is particularly effective when a puzzle has been reduced to a lot of squares containing only 2 possibilities.

My next birthday present

January 5th, 2006

LEGO unveiled their next generation robotic system, Mindstorms NXT at the Consumer Electronics Show this week.
As reported in Wired, the kit features a boatload of new features, including a sleeker RCX with a 32-bit CPU and larger LCX, server-style motors, an ultra-sonic sensor (for motion & obstacle detection) and lots of other robot sweetness.

Joy! The kit is due to be released in August for $250. Time to start saving my pennies!

The Polyphonic Sweaterdress

January 3rd, 2006


An Astounding Test of Skill

Tell a friend (it helps if the friend is in the same room…) that you are going to prove that, although you both are relatively good typists, you are the faster one handed typist.

To begin the test, tell your friend to put one hand behind her back, and one hand on the keyboard. Observe which hand is on the keyboard. If it is the left hand, tell your friend to type the word POLYPHONY as fast as possible ten times.

If it is the right hand, tell your friend to type the word SWEATERDRESS (If you like you can produce these words using some suitable “random” means). Either way, time your friend.

Then sit yourself down at the keyboard and type the same word using the OPPOSITE hand. Take your time and type accurately. Assuming both you and your friends are actually decent touch-typists, You should be able to type about twice as fast.

— from the archives of the tiny lobster, august 1999

Puzzle Japan

January 1st, 2006

Puzzle Japan is the puzzle website for Nikoli, a popular puzzle publisher in Japan that popularized sudoku puzzles. Their website offers eight different logic puzzles, including sudoku and kakuro, available in online and printable formats. Many of the puzzles involve building walls or boundaries, an activity reminiscent of the game of Go. One of my favorite puzzles is Nurikabe, in which you fill in cells to create islands.

From December 31st to January 5th, the members section of Puzzle Japan is free. Be sure to check it out.

Whirligigs for the New Year

December 30th, 2005

Some people begin the new year by pledging to lose weight or quit smoking. My usual pattern is to try to find two or three new obsessions each year. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say that these obsessions find me!

This last year, those obsessions included digital photography,
photo mosaics and logic puzzles. After 20 years as a software engineer, I also made a stronger attempt to produce more works in the physical world. I subscribed to Make, took a class in electronics, started building an analog synthesizer from a PCB (it remains unfinished, but my soldering skills have improved immensely), cowrote a book for O’Reilly, and began working on some puzzle books for other publishers (all due out in early 2006). Pretty tentative steps yes, but significant progress for someone as cerebral and klutzy as this particular geek.

This coming year, there are already some new obsessions on the horizon, which hopefully will take me further into the physical world. They include:

  • mechanical clocks
  • wooden automata
  • paper automata
  • wood working

The overarching theme here is trying to understand autometa and clockwork mechanisms, by building working models out of wood and paper. As I’ve improved my understanding of the equations behindthe physics of these devices, it is compelling to try to build working models, and not just flash animations.

After visiting an amazing local antique clock collection recently, I’ve become fascinated with mechanical clock escapements in particular, and I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about this subject.

Today I ordered an interesting kit from, As a musician & programmer, I have no wood working experience at all. Young musicians very rarely get to take wood shop — they occupy the same hour in the schedule as band practice. If I follow my usual pattern, it’s quite possible you’ll see a software simulation of a mechanical clock from me instead of a working mechanical one! I’ll let you know how my wood working efforts go in the coming weeks.

Some books on my Amazon wish list include:

Krypto Kakuros

December 29th, 2005

I’ve developed a new kind of puzzle which I’m calling a Krypto Kakuro. They combine elements of crossword puzzles, sudoku and cryptograms (or cryptarithms to be precise). Here are some samples for you to try.

If you aren’t familiar with kakuro puzzles, I suggest you solve a few of those first, before tackling these puzzles, which add some twists to the basic kakuro concept.

In each krypto kakuro, I’ve substituted a letter (A-J) for each digit (0-9). You must first unscramble the code before you can solve the kakuro puzzle. For each puzzle, a few of the answers are shown (also encrypted) to help you on your way. Each puzzle has a unique solution that you can find using logic and a little arithmetic.