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333 Great Books for Kids

333 Great books for kids is one of a dozen new interactive mosaics I’ve added to my coverpop website. You can find the others by noodling around on the menus on the right, after you go there. More books, more DVDs, more clothes & accessories.

All the amazon-powered mosaics on the site are now set up to update weekly, so the items shown within will be more timely.

While we’re on the subject of kids – I’ve also added some kid-friendly Sudoku puzzles (which I call “Kidoku”) to the puzzle collection.


5 Responses to “333 Great Books for Kids”

  1. Reji Says:

    Hi Krazy. Excellent work on the 333 Books. Was wondering, since you have just cover pops on some amazong categories.. are you gettin enough revenue in terms of affiliate sales or just one of those simple mashups done?

  2. jbum Says:

    Hi Reji,

    I’m not sure I fully understand your question, however to answer the question, “am i getting enough revenue?” the answer is no, and the
    answer will always be no, regardless of how much revenue I am actually getting from it. When you’re raising a family, there is never enough revenue.


  3. Little Legends Blog » Blog Archive » Need Ideas for Kids books? Says:

    […] Don’t miss this! Krazy Dad’s interactive mosaic of 333 kids books. As you hover over each picture of the book then details pop up. […]

  4. kmclean Says:

    I love this.
    I run the Association of Booksellers for Childre, a national trade group of indie children’s booksellers. (250+ stores). We would love to promote this, but it links to Amazon only, which presents some problems for us. Any possibility we could get you to link to as well? Or do sales from Amazon support your site.

    Business concerns aside, this is an amazing piece of art and proramming, and I’m going to let members know about it so they can enjoy it too.


    Kristen McLean

  5. jbum Says:

    Hi Kristen,

    The amazon links do indeed help support the site (with ‘help’ being the operative word).

    More importantly, it is the amazon API that allows me to collect the book cover images so I can display them in the first place, so it is only fair that
    I give them a little love back.

    The coverpop site also contains many non-amazon mosaics, here are just a few:

    Vintage Women’s Magazines:

    Mad Magazine:

    Stick Figures in Peril:

    If you know of other good sources of book cover images
    that would make great coverpops, let me know!